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Cycling toolkit


Cycling research and reports can also be found on the Cycling page in Publications & reports.

Cycling action plan

We want London to become the world's best big city for cycling.

The Cycling action plan is one of several action plans created to support the Mayor's Transport Strategy for London.

Enabling more Londoners to cycle is a central part of the Strategy. By 2041, we want 80% of journeys to be made by walking, cycling and public transport.

Two other long term ambitions for cycling are that by 2041:

  • All Londoners get 2 x 10 minutes of active travel each day
  • 70% of Londoners live within 400 metres of the London-wide cycle network

Supporting boroughs and other partners create high-quality schemes will help us make cycling in London attractive and accessible for all.

This plan sits alongside the Walking action plan, Vision Zero action plan and Freight and servicing action plan. It is a core part of delivering the Healthy Streets Approach.

Making the case for cycling

Evidence shows that cycling, as well as walking, can bring economic benefits to the high street, businesses and London's growth and productivity.

We've pulled together the latest research on this - from both London and cities around the world - on the Economic benefits of walking and cycling page.

You can use this evidence to help make the case for investment in schemes to promote active travel.

Planning for cycling

These resources can help you develop cycling strategy and policy in your borough:

Data and research

We do regular surveys and counts to monitor cycling trends in central, inner and outer London. Data is also collected to monitor the impact of new cycling schemes.

The overall trends for each mode of transport in London are reported in Travel in London.

Strategic analysis

Our Analysis of cycling potential report is also on the Travel in London page.

We know that there is potential for many more cycling journeys in London - this analysis shows that over eight million trips made every day could be cycled instead. The report includes data for each London borough.

The future growth of London's cycle network is being shaped by the Strategic Cycling Analysis (SCA), published in June 2017. New routes are identified and prioritised based on current and potential future demand, as well as new housing and jobs growth. The SCA can help develop plans for the strategic cycle network in your borough. The document is on the Cycling page in Publications & reports.

Cycling Infrastructure Database (CID)

The CID is a comprehensive database of London's cycling infrastructure and is available through our open data platform. The CID gives boroughs information on the location and type of existing assets including cycle lanes and tracks, cycle parking, and traffic calming.

Cycle parking implementation plan

London's first cycle parking implementation plan - launched in July 2019 - takes a strategic approach to creating cycle parking across London. It builds on new data and analysis and includes short term targets for installing cycle parking where it will support the most cycle journeys.

Designing for cycling

Healthy Streets Approach

The Healthy Streets Approach underpins all street improvement projects in London. Tools are available for designers to ensure that projects meet the 10 Healthy Street indicators. The Healthy Streets check for designers should be used by designers working on projects which affect people walking, cycling and accessing public transport in London.

London Cycling Design Standards

The London Cycling Design Standards document acts as the primary source of design advice for cycling infrastructure in London. It is recommended for use throughout the planning and design stages of all street design projects in the capital.

The London Cycling Design Standards document is on the Streets toolkit page.

New cycle route quality criteria

The New cycle route quality criteria document on the Cycling publications page is aligned with the London Cycling Design Standards. The process helps define whether new cycle routes are of a high enough quality to be a 'Cycleway' - London's strategic cycle route network.

Temporary traffic management handbook

Our Temporary traffic management handbook offers guidance to industry to ensure that people still have access to walk and cycle when roadworks are taking place.

Cycle Skills

To help encourage take up of Cycle Skills in your area we've created a toolkit of marketing materials that can be personalised to each borough.

Your Healthy Streets Officer can also supply the high resolution artwork.

General resources

Resources for business

Find out about Santander cycles business accounts. Our bike-sharing scheme is a great way for you and your staff to get around. You can use the bikes for business travel or commuting,

You can offer salary sacrifice tax breaks as a standard benefit to help employees with affordable cycling equipment. The Department for Transport has guidance on setting up a Cycle to Work salary sacrifice scheme.

STARS - School travel plan accreditation scheme

TfL's travel plan accreditation programme has several programmes and activities to help schools support healthy travel, including by bicycle.