
New cycle route quality criteria

The New cycle route quality criteria will help us continue to improve the quality of the cycle network in London. The six criteria are designed to be consistent with recommendations in the London Cycling Design Standards and - working alongside other guidance and tools - should be used to shape the design of new cycling infrastructure.

The spreadsheet tool allows planners and designers to use data to determine whether conditions are appropriate for routes to mix people cycling with motor traffic. The tool also recommends when dedicated space for cycling would be most appropriate.

The accompanying technical note describes the relationship of the six criteria and how the automated spreadsheet tool interprets the data.

Cycling action plan 2 reference list

On 15 June 2023 we launched the Cycling action plan 2, detailing our approach to increasing cycling levels, broadening the appeal of cycling and making cycling safer. The reference list provides all the references for the figures used in the action plan.

Cycle parking implementation plan

London's first cycle parking implementation plan builds on new data and analysis for a strategic, evidence-based approach to cycle parking across London. Launched in July 2019, the plan includes a set of short term targets to install cycle parking where it would support the most cycle journeys.

New cycle infrastructure on London's streets

Summary report of on-street trials

To assess whether recently delivered innovative infrastructure trials work as intended for all users, including a review of:

  • Hold-the-left-turn: ahead/left-turning cyclists and left-turning general traffic are separately signalled
  • Early release: cyclists receive a green signal ahead of other traffic
  • Two-stage turns: facilities enabling cyclists to wait between signal phases and therefore avoid turning in conflict with other traffic
  • Cycle gates: cyclists proceed from an area ahead of other traffic in both time and space, and are held while general traffic proceeds
  • Bus stop bypass crossings: a pedestrian crossing of a separate cycle track that runs behind the bus shelter

This report summarises a series of detailed Transport Research Laboratory studies which will be used to inform future updates to TfL's street design guidance.

Bus stop bypass safety review 2024

This review assesses the safety impacts of bus stop bypasses including analysis of casualty data. The document was updated on 20 June 2024.

Bus stop bypass review - list of bus stops and design audit results

A list of bus stop bypass sites identified on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) and TfL Cycleways Network and results of the design audit which determine whether each site meets the design specification outlined in TfL's guidance note on Pedestrian crossings at bus stop bypasses.

Bus stop bypass review - an observational study

This dataset includes a minute-by-minute breakdown of the number of people cycling (not riding a scooter or e-scooter) in each direction over the crossing point, classified as either no interaction, yield or no yield, and the number of people disembarking and boarding a bus.  This data is for the three hours 8:00-9:00, 11:00-12:00 and 17:00-18:00 at eight sites on 7 June 2023 as observed via video footage.

Bus stop bypass review - bus boarding patterns

This dataset contains the boarding patterns of disabled and older passengers at bus stops with and without bypasses in London. The data spans the periods from March to August 2018 and March to August 2023 and was analysed using SPSS statistical software. The dataset includes the number of boarders in each category for both years.

Bus stop bypass review - pedestrian casualty data

Collisions between 2020-2022 inclusive that occurred within 50 metres of a bus stop bypass, as analysed in the Bus stop bypass safety review 2024. Collision descriptions are not included as these contain sensitive information. You can find further collision records including vehicle details in the Collision data extracts section of our Road Safety data page.

Pedestrian crossings at bus stop bypasses - guidance note

This guidance note provides an update to TfL's design guidance for pedestrian crossings at bus stop bypasses. It includes technical drawings for the arrangements tested as part of the new cycle infrastructure on London's streets report.

Shared use bus stop boarders - interim guidance note

This interim guidance note outlines the design approach to shared use bus stop boarders on cycle routes. It includes suitability assessments, design considerations and a recommended layout.

Traffic wands

Use of traffic wands with cycle infrastructure - guidance note

This guidance gives suggested layouts for using traffic wands as separation on cycle routes. It supplements national and local design guidance. 

Use of cycle wands as permanent highway infrastructure - technical specification

This document specifies the technical requirements for cycle wands installed on the TfL Road Network where TfL is the designated highway authority and on all remaining highway network where the designated highway authority formally adopts this specification.

Cycle wands - installation guidance

This document provides installation guidance for cycle wands on the TfL Road Network. It supplements the technical specification, providing advice on the installation of wands to achieve the required tightness of 30 Nm. The document acts as a supplementary guidance to any installation manual from the wand supplier.

Strategic cycling analysis - June 2017

Cycling trends update - July 2019



'No entry except cycles' signing review (PDF 5.0MB)



Analysis of police collision files for pedal cyclist fatalities in London, 2001-2006 (PDF 845KB)


Community Cycling Fund for London - annual report 2008-2009 (PDF 777KB)
London Cycle Training Partnership - end of year report 2008-2009 (PDF 3.02MB)
London Cycle Training Partnership newsletter - spring 2009 (PDF 896KB)


Cycle freight in London - a scoping study (PDF 1.41MB)
Attitudes to cycling research (PDF 15KB)



London Cycle Training Partnership - mid-year report 2008-09 (PDF 3.22MB)
London Cycle Training Partnership - minutes of borough stakeholder meetings November-December 2008 (PDF 291KB)
London Cycle Training Partnership - minutes of independent cycle training provider stakeholder meetings November-December 2008 (PDF 167KB)


Feasibility study for a central London cycle hire scheme - full report (PDF 3.52MB)
London Cycle Training Partnership newsletter - autumn 2008 (PDF 795KB)


Cycling in London - final report (PDF 4.24MB)


Temporary cycle parking (PDF 824KB)


London Cycling Benchmarking Project final report (PDF 1.07MB)
London Cycle Training Partnership strategy (PDF 316KB)


Attitudes to cycling research report (PDF 527 KB)
Community cycling fund for London - annual report 2007-08 (PDF 2MB)
Cyclists use of zebra crossings summary (PDF 42KB)
Shared zebra crossing study (PDF 1.82MB)


Cycling training effectiveness results - summary (PDF 161KB)
May 2008 Cycling on Greenways equality impact assessment action plan (PDF 25KB)



Tour de France research summary (PDF 838KB)
Cycling on Greenways - equality impact assessment (PDF 513KB)


LCN+ route alignment alternatives, night-time routes and LCN+ 'Spurs' (PDF 38KB)
Green CRISP brief - version two (PDF 45KB)


TLRN cycling scheme - final monitoring report (PDF 1.46MB)
Response to a review of a sample of final CRISP reports for compliance with the CRISP brief and covering letter (PDF 94KB)


Bicycle recycling schemes in London - a scoping study (PDF 842KB)


Review of a sample of final CRISP reports for compliance with the CRISP brief (PDF 1.5MB)


Cycling on Greenways - implementation plan - consultation summary (PDF 551KB)
LCN+ high risk barriers report (PDF 2.06MB)



Advanced stop line findings report (PDF 1.25MB)
Workplace cycle parking guide (PDF 2.35MB)


Share the Road (PDF 1.2MB)


TIRA progress review report (PDF 317KB)

No specified month

Cycle London - community grants scheme (PDF 1.2MB)

'Delivering the benefits of cycling in outer London' is a joint report by Transport for London, London Councils, London Cycling Campaign and Sustrans, aimed at those who set the priority for transport in local areas.

Delivering the benefits of cycling in outer London - summary document (PDF 3MB)
Delivering the benefits of cycling in outer London - full report (PDF 4.26MB)