Diversity & inclusion publications

Improving toilet provision

To support Equity in Motion, we have developed a programme to improve and increase toilet facilities (new and existing) across our estate.

Access to toilets is a vital enabler for some people, especially older customers, disabled people and those with young children. Being certain that they will have access to toilets is crucial for giving people the confidence to use our network.

While we provide toilets in a number of places, we recognise that there are gaps and that some of our existing facilities do not meet the standard we aim to provide. This is why the Mayor has committed £3 million a year of dedicated funds to help improve our toilet provision - our report details how we plan to achieve this.

Action on Inclusion

Launched in 2023, our long-term internal diversity and inclusion strategy outlines our commitment to creating a truly inclusive workplace by 2030.

Pay gap reporting

We have combined our gender, ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting in order to simplify our pay gap reporting.

Diversity and inclusion impact report

This report combines our annual workforce monitoring report and our action on equality updates.

Understanding London's travel needs

This document details research which has been undertaken to identify the different barriers faced by London's communities when accessing transport.

It also describes travel patterns and behaviour of different groups and their attitudes towards issues such as fares, personal safety and security, and their satisfaction with the services we offer.

Equality Impact Assessments (EqIAs)

As a public body, we must comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This part of the Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies and organisations to consider any needs of or the impact on people with protected characteristics when carrying out public functions.

An EqIA is a tool used to demonstrate that we have met the PSED duties within the Equality Act 2010. The EqIA process helps us to make more inclusive decisions and to ensure that our programmes, policies, projects and the way we design build and operate services works well for our staff and our customers.

When reading an EqIA it can be helpful to think of it like a risk assessment, where some of the issues identified may be potential and often reflect a 'worst case' scenario. Nevertheless, as part of our commitment to safe, affordable, accessible and inclusive end-to-end journeys,we will still do all we can to offset or reduce any risks we can see.

Our equality objectives

Our equality objectives set out our commitments on equality. They are underpinned by the way we treat our customers, support our people and work with our partners.

Older documents

Single Equality Scheme

The Single Equality Scheme sets out our plans to continue improving travel choices, promote equality and enhance access to transport services and employment for all groups who live, work and travel in London.